Grand product arguments

$\newcommand{\F}{\mathbb{F}}$ $\newcommand{\c}{\text{comm}}$ $\newcommand{\i}{\mathbf{i}}$ $\newcommand{\z}{\mathbf{z}}$ $\newcommand{\r}{\mathbf{r}}$ $\newcommand{\eq}{\widetilde{\text{eq}}}$

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Grand product arguments

Let $\F$ be a finite field and consider a vector $f = (f_0,\dots,f_{n-1})\in \F^n$, where $n=2^v$. Given some kind of commitment $\c_f$ to $f$ and a value $y\in\F$, we want to convince a verifier that the product of the elements of $f$ is $y$, $\prod f_i = y$.

In this note, I will describe different approaches to this problem using univariate polynomials as in Plonk or multivariate polynomials as in Quarks and Lasso.

Using AIR constraints

This problem can be solved using univariate polynomials and AIR constraints. This is the approach taken in Plonk1.

Let $c_i=\prod_{j\leq i}f_j$ be the vector of cumulative products of $f$. The equality $\prod f_i = y$ is equivalent to $c_{n-1}=y$. Therefore, a protocol to prove this equality is to commit to both $f$ and $c$ and check the following AIR constraints

  • $c_0 = f_0$,
  • $c_{i+1}=c_i \cdot f_{i+1}$ for all $i<n-1$,
  • $c_{n-1} = y$.

Using GKR

This is the approach of [Tha13, 5.3.1]2.

For $0\leq k \leq v$, we consider the vector $g_k$ of size $2^k$ given by $$ g_{k,i} = \prod_{i\cdot 2^{v-k}\leq j < (i+1)\cdot 2^{v-k}} f_j. $$ Note that $g_v=f$ and $g_0$ is the constant $y$. The vector $g_k$ can be seen as the $k$-th layer in the binary multiplication tree with leaves $f$. These vectors satisfy the relations $$ g_{k,i} = g_{k+1, 2i} \cdot g_{k+1, 2i+1}. $$ Seeing $g_k$ as a function $\{0,1\}^k \to \F$ instead, the relations become

$$ g _k(\i) = g _{k+1}(\i, 0) \cdot g _{k+1}(\i,1). $$

Therefore, the MLEs $\tilde{g} _k$ satisfy

$$ \tilde{g} _k(\i) = \tilde{g} _{k+1}(\i, 0) \cdot \tilde{g} _{k+1}(\i,1). $$

and thus for any $\z \in \F^k$ we have

$$ \tilde{g} _k(\z) = \sum _{\i \in {0,1}^k} \eq(\z, \i) \cdot \tilde{g} _{k+1}(\i, 0) \cdot \tilde{g} _{k+1}(\i,1). $$

The evaluation of this sum can be proved using the sumcheck protocol. At the end of the protocol, the verifier needs to evaluate $\tilde{g}_{k+1}$ at $(\r,0)$ and $(\r, 1)$ for a random $\r \in \F^k$.

The trick to do so efficiently is to consider the degree one univariate polynomial $h(t)=\tilde{g} _{k+1}(\r, t)$ for $t\in \F$. We have

$$ h(0) = \tilde{g} _{k+1}(\r, 0) \ \text{ and } \ h(1) = \tilde{g} _{k+1}(\r, 1) $$

therefore to send $h$ it is sufficient to send $\tilde{g} _{k+1}(\r, 0)$ and $\tilde{g} _{k+1}(\r, 1)$ (which are anyways required by the verifier). Then the verifier sends a random $u\in \F$ and uses the sumcheck protocol to check that

$$ h(u) = \tilde{g} _{k+1}(\r, u). $$

Therefore, proving an opening $\tilde{g} _k(\z)$ can be reduced to a sumcheck argument and an opening $\tilde{g} _{k+1}(\r, u)$.

The strategy to prove $\prod f_i = g_0 = y$ is then clear:

  • Reduce the evalutation proof $g_0 = y$ to a sumcheck argument and an evaluation $\tilde{g} _1(\r_1)$.
  • For $k=1,\dots, v-1$, reduce the evalutation proof $\tilde{g} _k(\r_k)$ to a sumcheck argument and an evaluation $\tilde{g} _{k+1}(\r _{k+1})$.
  • The last evaluation $\tilde{g} _v(\r _v)=\tilde{f}(\r _v)$ is proved using the commitment to $f$.


  • Prover: A sumcheck argument costing $O(2^k)$ for $k=0\dots v-1$ and an evaluation proof for $f$, so in total $O(n) + \text{ prover cost of evaluation proof}$. The commited polynomial is $f$ of size $n$.
  • Verifier: A sumcheck argument costing $O(k)$ for $k=0\dots v-1$ and an evaluation proof for $f$, so in total $O(v^2) + \text{ verifier cost of evaluation proof}$.
  • Proof size: A sumcheck argument of size $O(k)$ for $k=0\dots v-1$ and an evaluation proof for $f$, so in total $O(v^2) + \text{ size of evaluation proof}$.


This is the approach of [SL20, Section 5]3.

Instead of using $v+1$ different functions $\{g _k: \{0,1\}^k \to \F \} _{k=0}^v$, we can pack them into a single function $g: \{0,1\}^{v+1} \to \F$ given by

$$ g(1^l, 0, x) = g _{v-l}(x) \text{ for } x\in \{0,1\}^{v-l}, $$

and $g(\mathbf{1})=0$. Note that $g(0, x) = g_v(x) = f(x)$ for $x\in \{0,1\}^v$ and $g(1^v, 0) = g_0 = y$. Furthermore, the relation between the adjacent functions $g_k$ and $g_{k+1}$ becomes $$ g(1, x) = g(x,0)\cdot g(x, 1) \text{ for } x\in \{0,1\}^v. $$ Let $h(x) = g(1,x)-g(x,0)\cdot g(x, 1)$ for $x\in {0,1}^v$, then $\tilde{h}$ is the zero polynomial, which we can check with the usual zero-check $$ 0 = h(\tau) = \sum_{x\in \{0,1\}^v} \eq(\tau, x) \left(g(1,x)-g(x,0)\cdot g(x, 1)\right), $$ where $\tau$ is a random verifier challenge, which is proved with a sumche Therefore, the product $\prod f = y$ can be proved by commiting to $\tilde{g}$ and

  • using the sumcheck argument to prove $h(\tau)=0$,
  • prove $g(0, x) = f(x)$ by checking $\tilde{g}(0,\gamma)=\tilde{f}(\gamma)$ for a random $\gamma$,
  • open $\tilde{g}(1^v, 0)= \prod f = y$.


  • Prover: A sumcheck argument costing $O(n)$ and evaluation proofs for $g$ and $f$, so in total $O(n) + \text{ prover cost of evaluation proofs}$. The commited polynomials are $f$ of size $n$ and $g$ of size $2n$.
  • Verifier: A sumcheck argument costing $O(v+1)$ and evaluation proofs for $g$ and $f$, so in total $O(v) + \text{ verifier cost of evaluation proofs}$.
  • Proof size: A sumcheck argument of size $O(v)$ and evaluation proofs for $g$ and $f$, so in total $O(v) + \text{ size of evaluation proofs}$.

Note that compared to GKR, the verifier cost and proof size go from quadratic in $v$ to linear in $v$, at the cost of more and larger evaluation proofs.

Hybrid approach

This is the approach of [SL20, Section 6]3, also used in Lasso4.

We can get the best of both approaches by combining them. Fix a number $1\leq \ell \leq v$, we use the Quarks approach for the first $\ell+1$ layers ${g _k} _{k=0}^{\ell}$ and the GKR approach for the last $v-l$ layers ${g _k} _{k=\ell+1}^{v}$. Concretely, this means that in the Quarks protocol, we instead have $g(0,x)=g _{\ell}(x)$ for all $x\in \{0,1\}^{\ell}$, which we check by evalutating at a random value $\gamma$, $\tilde{g}(0,\gamma)=\tilde{g} _{\ell}(\gamma)$.

The evaluation $\tilde{g} _{\ell}(\gamma)$ is computed using the GKR protocol, by reducing it to a sumcheck argument and an evaluation of $\tilde{g} _{\ell +1}$, and so on until an evaluation of $\tilde{g} _v = \tilde{f}$.


  • Prover: $O(2^\ell)$ for Quarks + $O(\sum_{k=\ell+1}^v 2^k)$ for GKR, so $O(n)$ in total, plus commitments to $f$ of size $n$ and $g$ of size $2^{\ell+1}$.
  • Verifier: $O(\ell)$ for Quarks + $O(\sum_{k=\ell+1}^v k)=O((v-\ell)\cdot v)$, so $O(\ell + (v-\ell)\cdot v)$ in total, plus cost of evaluation proofs.
  • Proof size: Similarly to the verifier costs, $O(\ell + (v-\ell)\cdot v)$ in total, plus size of evaluation proofs.

For example, setting $\ell = v - 3\log v$, the proof size is $O(v - 3\log v +3v \log v) = O(3v \log v)$ which is better than the proof size of $O(v^2)$ when using only GKR for large enough $v$. This comes at the cost of commiting to $g$ of size $2^{v - 3\log v + 1} = \frac{2n}{v^3}$, which is much smaller than $2n$, the corresponding size of $g$ when using only Quarks.

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